Changes in Jun 25th 2016 Version

  1. There was no time to document all changes that were made to Proxy32 during last year - since Aug 10th 2015 till now (Jun 25th 2016). Below, I will try to account some changes by my memory. If you have more questions about changes, pls, contact me directly at

  2. I was not able to use Proxy32 built-in terminal at work for years, only SGD exported windows.

    Therefore, I was focusing more attention on automation of SGD exported windows. There is no easy way to automatically read output from such windows (short from image recognition), one can only type and mouse-click into such windows automatically, but not automatically read output from them. I was working with COMMAND launcher and added some functionality to handle "slow-to-respond" SGD windows that represent very slow "remote desktop connections cascaded through multiple virtual machines". That would include multiple global setting for COMMAND launcher when it is executed to the window of the external process. This would include "inter-char delay", "before type delay" and "auto-mouse-click into target window before typing COMMAND text" global COMMAND-launcher configuration setting. The auto-mouse-click position can be set in advance with hotkey action and it is saved as (x,y) - relative to the top left corner of "active" window - until set again or until Proxy32 is restarted. This "click before type" action allows user to set focus to particular target window that is shown inside of Virtual machine window that is exported via SGD.

  3. Better integration with AHK to support the same "type or click only" SGD exported windows: the same click position - (x,y) relative to the top left corner of "active" window - that can be set globally for COMMAND launcher (via hotkey action), can also be passed as parameter to ahk script or inserted directly into the text of E-SCRIPT launcher. The proxy parm names are <PROXYMOUSEXWITHINACTIVESTICKERWINDOW> and <PROXYMOUSEYWITHINACTIVESTICKERWINDOW>. This allows user to identify position of target window inside of Virtual machine window that is exported via SGD. This position can be used as reference point for AHK script that will click inside of some window that is in turn located inside of SGD-exported Virtual Machine window.

  4. Functionality described in (2) and (3) is also useful when working with console windows of virtual machines (VM). Until Virtual Machine is assigned IP address one has to manually type command into VM console window. Without assigning IP address there is no way to use automated ssh terminal to automatically type commands into virtual machine. Proxy32 COMMAND launcher can potentially simplify this task of automatic typing into Console window of Virtual Machine.

  5. Added new workspace menu buttons related to GRAB-bing windows of external processes into Proxy32 workspace and to RELEASING such windows from Proxy32 workspace.

  6. Recently I have been working with large clusters of virtual machines via proxy32 built-in terminal. Therefore, I have added "Cluster" or "Vector" capabilities to the Proxy32 built-in terminal. This includes:

                Scope of Shared Input: all non-minimized ProxyTerm Windows in the current Workspace.
                Shared Input Master: sends copy of its kbd input to slave ProxyTerm Windows in scope.
                Shared Input Slave: receives copy of kbd input from master ProxyTerm Windows in scope.
                Shared Input Disabled: Neither sends nor receives copy of kbd input to/from other
                ProxyTerm Windows.
                Following Master Terminal Input is shared:
                - keyboard input typed by the the user (or by AHK script)
                - input created by "Paste" from Clipboard
                - input created by COMMAND/SCRIPT/I-SCRIPT
                Following Master Terminal Input is NOT shared:
                - input generated by PLUGIN/I-PLUGIN
                - input received via TELNET/COM-PORT listeners

  1. Built-in Cygwin installer inside of Proxy32 was updated recently to current 32bit version of CYGWIN. So far Proxy32 built-in terminal had problems with new "screen" package, that is why it is missing in new installer. Also, list of perl packages and cygwin packages may have slightly changed comparing to what is previously documented.

  2. Menu option to ask Proxy32 to compare size of currently running proxy32.exe module with the size of proxy32.exe module posted at download link.