Changes in Nov 6th 2012 Version

  1. Improved robustness of XML configuration storage:

    When user supplies content for the text fields via Proxy32 GUI dialogs, those text fields are stored on exit in XML files (in Tree.xml, Settings.xml, ViewerDefinition.xml files). I am using CDATA tags now when writing XML files to make sure XML parser will not try to interpret this user-supplied data as XML tags when reading those XML files back on the next start of Proxy32.

    Before the improvement:


    User pastes some data (looking similar to XML) into the text fields in the Proxy32 GUI dialogs. This user-supplied data is saved as part of Proxy32 configuration on exit (in Tree.xml, Settings.xml, ViewerDefinition.xml files). On the next start of Proxy32 during config loading (Tree.xml, Settings.xml, ViewerDefinition.xml files) this user-pasted data may confuse XML parser and configuration files could be read incorrectly, which in turn may lead to immediate or delayed crash of Proxy32 and saving completely corrupted config files.

    After the improvement:

    It should be impossible now to ruin config files (Tree.xml, Settings.xml, ViewerDefinition.xml files) and cause crashes on the next start of Proxy32 by pasting any garbage into the GUI text fields. The only thing that is not allowed to be pasted into the GUI text fields now is CDATA closing tag "]]>". If user pastes it, it is automatically filtered out of the text fields before saving them into CDATA tags in Tree.xml, Settings.xml, ViewerDefinition.xml files.

  2. Built-in TLS Server/Client improvements: