Changes in Sept 24th 2012 Version

  1. For international users: proxywinconsole.exe wrapper improvement:

    On the STDIN of the proxywinconsole.exe wrapper UTF8-to-UTF-16 converter is now using “byte-by-byte processing” and “state machine” to make it work in all cases even when bytes of UTF8-encoded UNICODE char arrive separately from each other. 4-byte-long UTF8 sequences are safely ignored as they would translate to UTF16 surrogate pairs, that are not supported by MS Windows Console.

  2. For international users: Built-in Proxy32 terminal improvement:

    Normally, Proxy32 terminal maps printable key-presses directly into ASCII characters, bypassing MS Windows language and keyboard layouts translation. If "Enable_Windows_Keyboard_and_IME_Translation" option is enabled (Menu "Control/Workarounds" in Terminal Window), translation of printable key-presses into Unicode Characters is done by MS Windows and then sent by Proxy32 terminal in UTF8 format. No UTF-16 surrogates are supported yet on the keyboard/IME input of the built-in terminal. Not too hard to do, just not yet implemented. By default, this option is off, as some telecom and networking equipment may not be able to handle UNICODE input safely. Enable international input only if you connect to CYGWIN or to LINUX server or to powershell/cmd, where UTF8-encoded international input is welcome. Do not play with international input mode while working with telecom and networking equipment.

  3. Fixed context help that was messed up after internal renaming that was made in Sept 20th 2012 version.

Note: when using proxywinconsole.exe wrapper to connect remotely to powershell/cmd via CYGWIN OpenSSH sshd server, do not use Ctrl-C to interrupt long cmd/powershell printouts. In CYGWIN, Ctrl-C rather kills the bash (works as signal) before the Ctrl-C sequence would even reach the STDIN of the wrapper. But Ctrl-C will work fine to interrupt long cmd/powershell printouts when running wrapper in the Proxy32 terminal.