1. Windows 8 Release Preview is available for download. I have downloaded and installed it, then I have tested proxy32 compatibility with Windows 8. Proxy32 works on Windows 8 exactly as on Windows 7 so far. All I had to do is update Windows Version detection code in proxy32 to treat Windows 8 as Windows 7 for the time being.

  2. Improvements in the code of the Launchers that are inserted into LauncherTree via "Add New Tree Node" dialog (dialog is called by the "New" button that is flashing green on the toolbar of the LauncherTree window). Particularly, "autologin" plugins are re-written in a more reliable fashion, also some PuTTY/Plink terminal launchers are updated with the correct PuTTY command line switches.

new FTP autologin PLUGIN inserted by "Add new TreeNode dialog"

new FTP autologin PLUGIN inserted by "Add new TreeNode dialog"

  1. Since the last version, LauncherTree Bookmarks menu is accessible via dedicated buttons in the main window and in the terminal window. In this version it is also made accessible via ctrl-right-click popup menu and "system" (left-click on icon in the window title) menu in the main window and in the terminal window.