To create new connections (TERMINAL LAUNCHERS), COMMANDs/ SCRIPTs/ PLUGINs launchers user has to add them on the LauncherTree either by right-clicking on the LauncherTree and selecting Add Launcher to the Tree menu or by clicking on the New button (flashing green) on the toolbar of the LauncherTree window.

In the process of creating new connections (TERMINAL LAUNCHERS), COMMANDs/ SCRIPTs/ PLUGINs launchers user provides some essential information needed for execution of such launchers.

Every launcher has a tooltip field that allows to supply text that will be shown when user hovers the mouse pointer over the launcher. The rest of the launcher fields will depend on the type of the launcher. There are 12 types of launchers:

After launchers are created and visible on the LauncherTree, to use (execute) connections (TERMINAL LAUNCHERS), COMMANDs/ SCRIPTs/ PLUGINs, user has to double-click them on LauncherTree:

LauncherTree is stored in XML format on the disk and can be exported/imported in whole and by parts to transfer between Proxy32 installations of different users. VIEWER, SCRIPT and I-SCRIPT will retain their associated local files (local files to which they refer/point) during LauncherTree export/import.