
1. General Information
4. SHELL-TERMINAL launcher
5. Execution of TERMINAL launcher (to create and connect new terminal window)
7. Show current launcher for terminal window, Re-connect terminal window using current launcher, Re-connect terminal window using another launcher

1. General Information

There are 3 types of launchers to create terminal windows of the Proxy32 built-in terminal and(/or) (re-)connect them (TELNET-TERMINAL, COM-PORT-TERMINAL, SHELL-TERMINAL).

To create new connection launchers (TELNET-TERMINAL, COM-PORT-TERMINAL, SHELL-TERMINAL) user has to add them on the LauncherTree either by right-clicking on the LauncherTree and selecting “Add TreeNode” menu or by clicking on the “New” button (flashing green) on the toolbar of the LauncherTree window.

In the process of creating new connection launchers user provides some essential information needed for execution of such launchers.

Every launcher has a tooltip field that allows to supply text that will be shown when user hovers the mouse pointer over the launcher. The rest of the launcher fields will depend on the type of the launcher.


For creation of TELNET-TERMINAL launcher user has to supply information about TELNET server to which new terminal will be connecting. This info includes three parts: hostname/IP-address of the TELNET server, TCP port number and encryption mode (TLS on/off) used by the server.

TELNET-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog

TELNET-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog


For creation of COM-PORT-TERMINAL launcher user has to supply information about COM-PORT (serial port on Windows) to which new terminal will be connecting. This info includes multiple parts: local COM-PORT number, speed, number of data bits, number of stop bits, parity and flow control modes.

COM-PORT-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog

COM-PORT-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog

4. SHELL-TERMINAL launcher

For creation of SHELL-TERMINAL launcher user has to supply command line to start local interactive text mode process which new terminal will be running.

SHELL-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog

SHELL-TERMINAL launcher edit dialog

For example:

5. Execution of TERMINAL launcher (to create and connect new terminal window)

After they are created and visible on the LauncherTree, to use (execute) connections, user has to double-click them on LauncherTree. Double click on the new “connection” (SHELL-TERMINAL, TELNET-TERMINAL, COM-PORT-TERMINAL launcher) will create new Terminal window in the current workspace and connect it according to the connection info that is stored in the launcher (SHELL-TERMINAL, TELNET-TERMINAL, COM-PORT-TERMINAL) itself.


If there is a PLUGIN or I-SCRIPT launcher located on LauncherTree directly under executed TERMINAL launcher, such PLUGIN or I-SCRIPT launcher will be executed automatically on the "connect" of the terminal. This is done to let PLUGIN/I-SCRIPT to catch user/password prompt sent from remote host on "connect" and to let PLUGIN/I-SCRIPT interact with remote host to finish terminal login sequence automatically. More details on this is in AUTOLOGIN documentation.

7. Show current launcher for terminal window, Re-connect terminal window using current launcher, Re-connect terminal window using another launcher

Right click on green light button in terminal window shows (highlights/selects on LauncherTree) TERMINAL launcher that is keeping current connection info for this terminal window.

Green light button in terminal window allows to connect/disconnect terminal window (left click on green button to toggle connect/disconnect). This is because terminal window remembers the TERMINAL launcher from which it took connection info last time (current Terminal launcher). Re-connect via left click on green light button includes AUTOLOGIN sequence if there is a PLUGIN or I-SCRIPT launcher located on LauncherTree directly under current TERMINAL launcher.

Terminal window can be re-connected to another remote host using information stored in any existing TERMINAL launcher. To connect terminal window using connection info from another TERMINAL launcher:

Re-connect via middle click on green light button includes AUTOLOGIN sequence if there is a PLUGIN or I-SCRIPT launcher located on LauncherTree directly under highlighted TERMINAL launcher.

1. General Information
4. SHELL-TERMINAL launcher
5. Execution of TERMINAL launcher (to create and connect new terminal window)
7. Show current launcher for terminal window, Re-connect terminal window using current launcher, Re-connect terminal window using another launcher
